

The numbers of coat colors found in rabbits is long and sometimes confusing. Yelah... dalam hal warna arnab memang aku failed!!! So, warna yang disenaraikan merangkumi penerangan mengenai warna asas dan kumpulan warna bulu arnab. (kali ni mix english n malay language.. tulah pentingnye english educati0n~ hihihi~ LOL)

Disclaimer: this list is meant to give a general idea of color variations, not to represent an exhaustive list or to accurately describe rabbit colo standards as published by the ARBA for show or breeding purposes.

Agouti > band of color of occur on each hair - the colors of these bands very depending on the type of agouti coloration.

Black >  dark black.

Black otter > black body with lighter underside, hair may be orange tinted at the border of the black and lighter color.

Blue > medium or state blue.

Blue otter > blue coat with fawn tipped guard hairs, fawn areas.

Blue steel > blue with silver or tan "ticking".

Blue tortoiseshell > blue and beige.

Broken > white with any color patches or spots, with nose markings, colored ears, and eyes circles.

Brown-gray agouti > blue at base, then mediumtan, charcoal, and tan at tip.

Carlifornian > white body with black on nose, ears, tail, feet.

Castor > brown over top, state blue undercoat, with orange or red in between.

Chinchilla > slate or black blended with pearl, black tipped guard hairs.

Cinnamon > rust or reddish-brown color.

Chocolate > deep dark brown.

Chocolate agouti > bands of tan and chocolate with a chestnut tip.

Chocolate chinchilla > chocolate and pearl with chocolate tipped guard hairs.

Chocolate steel > chocolate with tan or silver ticking.

Chocolate tortoiseshell > creamy chocolate with fawn.

Copper agouti > bands of red/orange and dark slate with red at tip, ticked with black tipped guard hairs.

Cream > pinkish beige to almoond.

Fawn > straw color.

Frosted pearl > pearl with black, blue, chocolate or lilac shading.

Gray > three different colors of hair, black, black with tan tip, and black with tan band, and slate undercolor.

Light gray > agouti with slate blue at base, off white in middle, and light gray at tip, with black tipped guard hairs.

Lilac > pinkish plae gray.

Lilac chinchilla > lilac and pearl ticked with lilac tipped guard hairs.

Lilac steel > lilac with tan or silver ticking.

Lilac tortoiseshell > lilac and beige.

Opal aguoti > slate blue at base hair, then gold, then blue tip.

Orange > light to bright orange.

Pearl > light creamy gray.

Pointed white > white with black, blue, chocolate, or lilac colored nose, ears, feet, tail (like himalayan coloring)

Red > rich brown red color.

Sable > dark grayish brown.

Sable marten > siamese sable coloring with silver tipped guard hairs.

Sable point > cream body and sable on nose, ears, feet and tail.

Sandy > reddish tan.

Seal > dark (almost black) sable.

Self group > solid color in black, blue, lilac, blue eyed white, and ruby eyed white.

Shaded group > color transitions from dark to light (e.g. frosted pearl, sable, sable point, siamese sable, seal, tortoise)

Silver or silver fox > silver with white or white tipped hairs.

Silver marten > black, blue, chocolate or lilac with silver white markings and silver tipped guard hairs.

Tan pattern > marks (not necessarilly tan) on nostril, eye circles, jowls, inside ears, belly, inside led, underside of tail. Group included marten and otter colorations.

Ticking > solid or tipped guard hairs different than the main coat color interspersed throughout the coat.

Tortoise > orange with black, blue, chocolate, lilac.

Tortoiseshell > orange or dark fawn and black.

Tri-colored > white with any of black and orange, lavender blue and fawn, chocolate and orange, gray and fawn.

Gambar bagi jenis-jenis warna arnab akan di upl0ad kemudian!!! sudah nant0kz!!!! huhuhu~